This passage has always fascinated me and I've painted versions of it many times. This is the one I have now.
It is the only time Jesus didn't instantly cure someone. I've searched out the reason and haven't found it. The only thing I did find was a reference to the fact that in those times spit was believed to have therapeutic qualities. Glad that belief doesn't still exist. So one thought that occurred to me was that because He used a worldly cure, it only partially cured the blind man. It took Jesus' touch to complete the cure. That, to me, speaks volumes. I know where my healing comes from and He will coax it along but only by His hand, by His stripes, will I be totally cured.
I read the Daily Word every morning and this morning's gave me a confirmation of this journey.
Monday, April 30, 2012
God is my companion and guide at all times and in all places.
An unexpected change - or even an expected one - might seem like the last thing I would ask for; but over time, its value becomes clear. My life is unfolding in divine order. As I remain at peace with what is and listen for divine direction, I move into new experiences with grace and ease. I cooperate with my spirit and expect only the best from this divine journey.
My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27
And so the journey continues. Off to the doctor at 5pm. I'll let you know tomorrow the results.
In the meantime, please hold up Melanie's childhood friend Renee as she battles breast cancer.
Thank You God for a blessed and healthy day.