I'm so excited. My bad days are not so bad and my good days are getting better. Yay. Yesterday was a down day but today..........up early this morning, to the grocery store at 6:30. Came out and had a dead battery. So, after huffing and grouching a little, I just settled down and prayed until AAA got there. Then home and took Chipper for a walk. He was happy too. What a precious guy I have.
I know that in almost every post I say that I'm going to paint and I don't seem to get to the studio but I think that today is going to be the day. I'm about to have my flax oil/cottage cheese smoothie, swiffer up some pet hair, and then squeeze out some paint and see where it goes today.
I wanted to share this with you. My friend Darlene posted it on FB and I thought it was good enough to add here.

Well, only part of it copied but it is a list of the seven best alkaline foods from a website at www.plantpoweredliving.com. They are celery, cucumbers, kale, spinach, broccoli, red peppers and avocados. I didn't find a lot of information on an alkaline diet on this site but there are some nice recipes. Any diet focused on plant foods as opposed to animal foods is going to be high alkaline and low acid. My favorite site is www.eattodefeatcancer.com . I've talked about this site before and it focuses on antiangiogenesis foods or foods that starve those rogue blood vessels that feed and nurture cancer cells. There is always lots of updated information here plus some interesting recipes from Mario Batali. I haven't tried them yet but when I do, I'll report back to you.
Another awesome website is www.livestrong.com . This has always been a go to site for me for nutritional info on individual foods and is sponsored by Lance Armstrong's Foundation. Never thinking I would be studying the section dedicated to fighting cancer, I was excited to find more information than I could ever work my way through. Cancer victors and artist friends, Jack and Mikki, sent me a yellow Livestrong bracelet last week and I wear it often. I consider myself a victor now and cannot wait until that last treatment in December. What a celebration that is going to be.
If you or anyone you know are facing a battle with this enemy, I encourage you to search the web daily for the latest information available. Some people choose to rely only on the medical community, others solely on alternative methods of treatment and many, like myself, look for the best of both worlds. There is a complete healing coming. I'm looking forward to it.
Precious Lord,
I join with other of your children today as we come before You in humble gratitude for the mercy and goodness You've shown us through the many methods of fighting and overcoming this hated enemy. We ask that You guide each one of us to our own best remedy, granting a complete and profound victory while knowing that all our good is from You.
We pray for each other, Lord, for spiritual and physical healing, and thank You for the opportunity to be an example of what Your grace and favor can mean in a committed life.
Bless us this day, strengthen us, fortify us for the battle ahead.
In Jesus' name we pray.