Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 62 Back on the Offensive

Feel Good hit around 3pm yesterday and, of course, I overdid things thinking I would probably be back down today.  Not so!  Feel Good is still around and I'm excited.  I opened my eyes this morning and could only praise God for His incredible goodness.   I can't tell you how awesome it feels.  It's like this huge ape is off my back, I can straighten up, smile, move around and maybe, just maybe, get some things done today that need doing.  Woo hoo........  This may be a zydeco music and dance around the house day.  Try not to picture it.  Probably not a pretty thing.

At Mel's birthday dinner, I asked her if I was going to lose my hair with chemo.  Silly question to ask my daughter but she was with me when we visited the oncologist and I have to admit that a lot of what he said sort of passed me by.  I remembered him saying something about hair follicles but really just couldn't focus at the time.  Now I need a haircut but don't want to waste the money if it's just going to fall out.  I decided that if it does, there is going to be an upside, ladies.  No worrying about eyebrows or shaving legs.   Nothing wrong with that.  

Since things are going so well, I am off to the grocery store today.  Back to my flax oil/cottage cheese smoothies and vegan diet.  Actually I've missed it but was sort of leary of jumping back in with all the seeds, nuts and fiber.  My awesome body has done such an incredible job of healing that I think I'm ready to get back to the best diet for me.  I feel strong enough today to go on the offensive again.  I've been waiting for that.   Two and a half weeks and I finally feel normal again.   I can't believe I just said that.  Just two and a half weeks is actually what I should be saying. 

 Going to the library to pick up the book they've been holding for me about the Gerson Method of juicing.  I don't think I'm interested in a juice fast but I do want to see if there are some beneficial protocols that I can integrate into what I've already been doing.  Started back on my supplements this morning as well.  The sun is shining, birds are singing, Chipper is at my side, God is still on the throne and all is right with the world this morning.

Friend Jackie Williams posted this quote by Carrie  Ten Boom this morning on her FB page:
        " Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossibilities."
It gave me pause and I've read it several times.  Faith and belief are my mainstays.  Now I have to learn better to receive the miracles God has in store for me. 

Father God,
Thank You for this gloriously beautiful day.  Only a Creator like You could imagine such a miracle. 
I feel physically strong today, Lord, but I need your help to strengthen my faith and belief and to more confidently receive Your goodness and love. 
Father, I ask that same strength, faith and belief for my fellow victors out there who are winning the fight against this ugly and hated enemy.  Let each one feel the comfort of Your love and power as they go through today with their focus on You instead of focusing on that evil.
It's all You, Lord.  All You.  I love You.
In Jesus' name,

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