.......... are sometimes all for naught. "Feel Good Saturday" quickly deteriorated and lasted through Sunday. The upside is that the bad days are so much better than they used to be. Of course, with the neurotic pills, I sleep through a lot of the nausea and that's just fine with me.
Today I was up at 4:30am, drove thru McD for my first coffee in four weeks and I am happy about that. Actually I was awake at 3:30am and started searching thru my Galaxy Tablet, which if I haven't told you before, I love, love, love. I know about mind/body connection. I've had an interest in it for years. I believe that God encoded in our dna the ability to heal ourselves through His spirit that lives in each of us. It is about more than asking for healing. It's about taking a proactive part in the healing. Here I am in the middle of fighting cancer and undergoing some really strong chemo treatments and it just now comes to mind that there are other things I can do. Duh! I know.... I'm a little slow sometimes.
I'm not very good at telling stories but this reminds me of one of the two little boys that missed their bus. The one little boy took off running after the bus. When he looked back over his shoulder, he saw his friend had not moved. "What are you doing?" he called back to the boy left behind. "I'm praying that we can catch the bus." The other boy answered, "Well, so am I but I'm running while I'm praying."
Anyway, it was a good reminder as I searched thru youtube while laying in bed and found some guided meditations specifically for cancer patients. Thank You, Father, for reminding me about that. Not just relaxing meditations, but rejuvenating too. Some were Christian, some were just relaxation, some are to listen to while having chemo........... lots and lots of options. Next purchase is some new earphones so I can listen on my tablet during next week's session. I do not like to rely on meds to treat every symptom. I know that every pill I take has a side effect of some sort. It's always a tradeoff. So, my goal with this is to hopefully be able to use meditation instead of so many meds when the nausea hits. I'll let you know how that works. MD Anderson is using mediation, Cancer Centers are using meditation. It's become an accepted practice as a support to healing rather than being looked at as some sort of new age mumbo jumbo.
Next thing is this. I've said this before................... and apparently forgot that I said it.................. so I'm going to say this again. Instead of writing about what I'm going to do, I'm going to do it first and then write about it. I had huge plans to go to Church yesterday since I was so sure that I was feeling better. Was not to be, but that's okay. Pastor RO and Laurie always get me a copy of whatever I miss and I'll catch up during the week.
Dear friend Lauren sent a prayer request for all of you who pray with me daily. Her friend John, she calls him a gentle giant, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. We're asking a gentle healing for this gentle spirit along with special strength and blessings for his friends.
I also have a special prayer request. My artist friend and mentor, Jack White, has reached "The End of the Trail" with his painting career. Those are his words and not mine as I know that he'll continue to be productive in his writings and mentoring of emerging artists. Take a minute and go to his website to look at some of his amazing work. www.jackwhiteartist.com . Jack and his wife, artist Mikki Senkarik, are both cancer victors and immediately sent me a LiveStrong bracelet when I was first diagnosed. I wear it daily. Jack has a special love for the state of Texas and has completed his first historical novel about early Texas which is available on his website through Amazon.com. He's also written several books on marketing art which is an art all it's own. I just want you to ask blessings for Jack and Mikki. I know this wasn't an easy decision but he'll continue to create and bless us with his art in so many other ways.
Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank you for this great and glorious day. I am so happy to be alive and able to enjoy it. Thank You for my friends and my family and my Church family.
Father, we join in prayer today for Lauren's friend, John, asking a supernatural healing for him. You know Lauren's respect and admiration for this soul means he's one of the good ones that we need here with us, fighting the good fight for You.
Father, we thank You for Jack and the incredible art you've inspired him to create over the years. I've been so blessed by his generosity and knowledge which he willingly shares with anyone who asks. We are asking for continued blessing and success as his creative works move in a different direction.
Jehovah Rapha, Your name means You are the God of healing and restoration. In Jesus' precious name, we ask healing for everyone fighting this dreaded enemy, complete victory and restoration of everything it might have taken from us.
Amen and Amen.
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