I felt almost normal for a while this morning. Drove to McD's for coffee. My coffee tastes like mud and I used to love WB coffee but it tastes like mud now too. Only McD's coffee is working for me and it's wonderful. Had a late night last night watching the Texans win another game. My guys. :) Up early, had coffee and breakfast and now nausea is making it's way back into the picture. I don't want to take meds for it because other than the nausea, I think I may have the energy to paint some today. If I don't rely on meds, it's going to have to be mind over matter. Not sure how good I am at that but I'm williing to give it a try because once I start on the meds, it's back to the couch. What a couch potato I'm turning into.
Today's affirmation in the Daily Word is:
"I am filled with the life, strength, and energy of God"
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10
I am really going to have to meditate on this. It'll have to be quiet time and selah. That means "to ponder." Actually one of my favorite series that I've painted is called "Selah." I have a large commission I'm working on now of that same series. I guess my thought is that the viewer will want to clear his mind and just look at the painting. The symmetry and repetition of the trees has a very calming effect. It's all about order and harmony. I think in some way, illness is disorder and disharmony in the body.
So, I have my marching orders for the day. Affirmation and meditation. Then to paint. What an awesome, glorious day this is going to be.
Thank You Precious Lord, Jehavah Rapha, for the strength, the life and the energy of God flowing through my body. Thank You for the ability to overcome nausea without medications, but by setting my mind to focus on You and Your healing spirit that is moving mightily within me right now. I ask in Jesus' name that the same healing spirit move mightily within each and every person out there fighting this enemy named cancer. You said that You have given us the authority to overcome all the powers of the enemy and we stand on that promise today, Father. You said that You are not a God of disorder, but of peace. I pray that peace touch the lives and hearts of each of Your warriors as they are overcoming the power of that enemy.
These things I ask in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the name above pain, the name above cancer, the name above all names.
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