Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 393 Pray For Peace

It is so incredibly difficult in times like this to feel peace.  So much going on.  So much pain and despair.  Everywhere I turn, things are happening to disturb the spirit.

I was up early yesterday to have my first colonoscopy since being diagnosed with colon cancer in April, 2012.  Results were good, only one polyp removed and sent to pathology but Dr. said it looks fine.  No Cancer.  Praise God.  I came home and was experiencing quite a bit of discomfort in my back, hips and legs so I took a pain pill, laid down and slept until about 3pm.  I woke to the devastating news of Moore, Ok.

During 9/11, we had someone to be angry with.  After the massacre of children at Newtown, we had someone to be angry with.  The death and unbelievable destruction in Moore left us no one to be angry with.  I do have to admit to a twinge of anger at God for allowing this to happen.  Then I had to think about what I was feeling.  It wasn't really anger but a feeling of  helplessness to do anything for the thousands of people experiencing such profound suffering.

I had to remind myself that God established a divine order of how this world operates and doesn't send a particular storm to any particular place at any particular time.  I had to look for the miracles and found them when I saw precious children reunited with desperate parents.  I had to look for the miracles of lives saved in the most impractical circumstances.  I heard one man this morning speak of praying through the storm and giving God the credit for the miracle of surviving it. 

I was up this morning at 5am to see the latest news.  In my frustration, I went to my closet and cleaned it out.  I know that so many people who lost everything were left with only the clothes on their backs and I have so many,  some of them I've purchased and then never worn.  I suppose I was saving them for a time like this.  I'll box them up today and ship off to one of the churches in Moore, asking them to get them to the tornado survivors.  It isn't much but at least I feel like I'm doing something to help.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."            Psalm 147:3

My friend Lisa is in hospital right now undergoing treatment to encourage the growth of new stem cells for harvesting to reimplant later.  She's experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort.  Precious little Bryce that we pray for had to go back to the hospital yesterday for elevated fever which is something he fights constantly with his chemo treatments.  Bella has been resting comfortably and her Mom reports that Bella's grandmother is at her side praying most of the days and when she stops, Bella tells her "pray".   Another longtime friend, Mary, has just been diagnosed with squamos cell cancer.  She's a mom, wife, and friend to so many and needs your prayers. 

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
I just almost don't know how to pray this morning.  There is so much disturbance in the world, from natural disasters destroying homes and schools and families to more and more people dealing with cancer.  It is almost overwhelming.  I think about Jesus taking on the sins and the pains of the world and I know that what we are dealing with does not begin to measure to His distress and anguish.  I know Lord that the only relief and source of peace is You.  I just ask now, in the name of Jesus Christ, that You wrap Your loving arms around everyone suffering loss and injury from the past few days of tornados.  I ask that You wrap Your loving arms around every child and adult fighting the enemy cancer.  Special healing blessings for Lisa and Bryce and Bella and Mary.  Lord, help us today to keep our focus on You as we go about our normal lives while the lives of so many others have been turned upside down.  Some will never recover.  Let them feel Your love and let them know that You are there in the midst of their pain.  Just let them know peace.
Father, we love You as we know You love us.
In the name of Your beloved Son who gave His life for us.

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