It seems like I'm not getting better. Well, I am better. I am keeping down food but seem weaker today than yesterday. Maybe once I have some nutrition in me for a while, I'll perk up some. I fixed breakfast and ate all of it this morning. Then I had to go back to bed. I'm up now and hope to stay up long enough to get a few things done. I got the garbage out. Now I just want to get the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and run the vacuum to pick up some of Chipper's hair which is rolling around the living room. I really need to move more. I wanted to take him for a little walk this morning but not to be. Maybe tomorrow.
I made it to my new oncologist's office yesterday. I feel like I've upgraded from McDonald's to Tony's. Not just the physical aspect of the office, which is hugely different, but the concern for my wellbeing, the professionalism and the sweet office staff. The treatment will be the same. It's pretty standard for Stage III colon cancer and the best one out there. It is the method in which it is delivered and the meds that accompany it that will be different. My new dr prides himself in minimizing the side effects of nausea mainly. Not much he can do about neuropathy which I've had no problems with, or sensitivity to cold which has only been a minor problem. Mouth sores so far have limited themselves to behind my back teeth and to the corners of my mouth and I'm not sure that hasn't been from being so dehydrated last week and not the chemo. So all in all, I guess I can say that things are looking up although I don't really feel that way right now.
My determination for today is to get some walking in even if its just around the house. After that I am going to try to get some vitamins down with lunch. Happily, my stomach is concave but my legs look like kildees. Not a pretty picture. Hair so far is okay. It just needs a good haircut. I have today and tomorrow to recup a little more and then my scheduled followup visit with my colon surgeon on Thursday. Rest of the week to get my strength back and then blood work on Monday and start it all over again. At least, it'll be round 3 and once that is behind me, I'll be 1/4 of the way through. Yayyy!
Precious Father,
I couldn't do this without You and all the precious souls You have placed in my life. I get messages almost daily from someone else that is praying for me. How grateful I am for each and every one of them. I ask that, as You rewarded Job when he prayed for his friends, that You reward each and everyone of these prayer warriors as they intercede for me.
Help me today, Lord, to take my focus off of myself and to keep it on You, Your light and Your love and Your healing spirit that is moving mightily within me right now.
Oh, and another thing. Thank You Lord for football season and the NFL Channel.
In Jesus' precious name.
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