Good day yesterday. In fact, it was so good that I took Chipper for a walk. That was the first time since starting Joy Juice that I've had enough energy to take my handsome guy out for a walk. He was so excited. After that I took him to the vet for a bath and did my shopping for Thanksgiving. Even though it required two 2 hour naps to get through the rest of the day, I made it without any nausea meds.
While in the grocery store, I ran into a friend I had not seen in several months. She did not know of the diagnosis and the first words out of her mouth were "Jo! I didn't recognize you." I thought but didn't say "That's okay. I don't even recognize myself." A little bit of a downer but I know it's only temporary.
I was thinking yesterday, after receiving not the best news from a friend, how much easier it is to pray for others than it is to pray for myself. I'm sure that I'm not the only person to feel that way. I think that's why when the little book, The Prayer of Jabez came out, it was such a hit. For the first time, it gave us permission to pray for outselves and to not feel guilty about it.
The reason for thinking about this is a prayer request from my church for a friend's daughter in law who is four months pregnant. Lots of issues with the baby including her kidneys not working causing huge cysts on the baby's arms, the danger of brain damage, heart problems and on and on. For some reason, I instantly knew that little girl was going to be a blessing to everyone who knew of her, regardless of the outcome of her birth. It seemed like every few minutes I could see her and I would stop what I was doing to pray for her. I know that prayers are going out for her from so many areas, that she can't help but be blessed. I could just feel God's presence every time I prayed. If she does nothing else, that precious child has helped others by taking their prayers to a higher level.
Precious Father, Jehovah Rapha,
I ask your healing mercies on the little girl, waiting to be born into this world, totally unaware of the nature of her birth and how many are sending her prayers for love, health and healing. Maybe she does know. Thank You for the honor of being able to pray for this child.
Father, thank You for the knowledge that it is okay to pray for myself, asking Your favor, love, and healing for me. Even though it isn't easy to do, please remind me daily to ask for those things when I stop to give thanks for all You've done for me.
Life is so precious and I don't want to take it or You for granted.
I love You Father. I love You.
These things I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the one true Messiah.
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