Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 217 Family, Food, and Football

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  The 20lb turkey turned out perfectly.  It was a joint effort since my son in law had to come take it out of the oven and then my grandson had to come transport it to daughter's house.  Food was delicious and Texans won.   All that with a layer of nausea hanging over everything.  It came late on Wednesday and has hung around for the duration.  I've tried to take as few meds as possible but had to resort to two of them yesterday.

It gets me down but through it all, I was able to turn out the turkey, dressing, turkey gravy, giblet gravy, cucumbers for Logan and a coconut cream pie for my son in law.  Oh, and some peanut brittle.  The last two days were spent working on a paddle with Logan for his "big bro" at the fraternity he is pledging.  That was fun.  Lots of time to talk.  It made me realize how seldom we get quiet one on one times with our loved ones.  So much talk is around the periphery and not deep down communication.  Doing some sort of work or craft together is the best thing.  Heads down at work and our minds are free to wander and to share things we might not ever have gotten around to before.  I learned things about him and he learned things about me.  Blessed time.

Today is blood work day and then tomorrow starts Round 11.  After that just one more.  You would think I am excited to get it started and over but the last two rounds have been so rough that I am really dreading it.  I know I can talk myself out of the doldrums but not sure how at this moment.  Well, actually, yes I do.  My little notbook of verses is here on my desk with all I really need to get myself back up and going.

"I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works, that I know very well."  Psalm 139:14

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  My body had taken a beating since June.  First a surgery to remove part of my colon and I bounced back from that.  Then 10 rounds so far of a foreign chemical being pumped into my body to kill any remaining cancer cells.  My body has hung in there, looking and feeling a little worse for wear but ready to get back to normal the second they disconnect the pump from Round 12.  Okay, I'm already starting to feel better.

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank You Father for Your words that can restore my spirit and my mind, body and soul, just by reciting and meditating on them.  Help me to daily find the right words to keep myself in a positive frame of mind, knowing that I am healed and that every cancer cell in my body has been obliterated so completely that it will never be able to take hold again.
I ask this same healing for every warrior fighting this same enemy.  Show them where to find Your words that will fortify and restore their spirit with the strength to win the war.
I ask these things in Jesus' name, the one true Messiah.

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