Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 357 So Much to Share............

I almost skipped my study time this morning to get to the computer because I have so much to share.  So glad I didn't because God gave me more conversation on what I want to write about.  But first this...   

Saturday was an art show at Papershell.  DeDe and Julie, wife and daughter of my friend Frank who we've prayed for many times, came to see me.  It's been too long since I've seen them and it was a wonderful reunion.  They reported Frank is doing well but can't seem to get his weight back up.  145 lbs. is not acceptable for a tall man like him.  Another artist friend that I also had not seen in a while told me that she followed this journal and because of it went for a colonoscopy.  Praise God.  I just feel like if I can help more people make the decision to go be checked, then this journey wasn't for nothing. 

Yesterday at church, I saw my friend Lisa who is winning the war against multiple myeloma and I saw "the other Jo" who is still fighting and winning against lung cancer.   God is so good to keep us in touch so we can celebrate every little bit of progress the other one makes. 

Now, for the rest of the story.  In church yesterday, the woman in front of me had on a Texas Cowboy Church tee shirt.  On the back was written, "Never Give Up, Never Back Down, Never Give In."  Then Pastor RO concluded a series on the prayer of Jabez, urging us to pray it daily.  I opened my Bible, which is full of little notes with a scripture written here and there, and I found I had written Luke 18:2-5 on a piece of paper so I quickly turned to it and read.  It was the parable of the persistent widow.  Yay.  I love her!  She had a complaint and asked the judge for justice for her against her adversary.  She went every day asking the same thing until finally he said that he would see that she got justice so that she wouldn't just wear him out.  Why?  Because she wouldn't give up.  I'm not suggesting that we might wear out God with our persistence, but I am saying I believe persistence in our prayer requests works. 

"And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night?"  Luke 18:7

This this morning I was back reading in the Old Testament.  I came to Hezekiah, King of Judah.  Finally a good King who honored God and whom God honored back.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged."  2 Chronicles 32:7

Then the study guide on King Hezekiah referred back to Deuteronomy 20:4.

"For the Lord, your God, is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory."

How awesome that He would direct me to His words of courage and to remind me to continue to pray day and night and to never give up or give in.  And how grateful I am to be able to share those words here. 

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
You are the God who heals.  You heal in so many ways.  You heal supernaturally and You heal through worldly ways and You heal with Your word.  Thank You for your words of encouragement reminding us to be courageous because we are not alone, that You are with us in our battles.  And thank You for reminding us to never give up like the persistent widow didn't give up, to pray day and night, knowing that You hear our prayers.
Father, I ask today that You give our friend, Frank, the taste and desire to eat so that he can regain some weight and strength to continue the battle he is in.  I thank You Father for all you're doing for Lisa as she prepares for the stem cell transplant just a few weeks from now.  I thank You Father for healing Jo from lung cancer again.  She is more persistent in her prayers than the cancer will ever be.
I thank You, Father, for granting me this little journal that speaks to so many and for every inroad it helps to make in encouraging people to have a colonoscopy and hopefully avoid the journey that I've been on.
All these things I pray in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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