Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 368 Just A Little Bit of Prayer

There is a song in the old Mary Poppins movie about a little bit of sugar helping the medicine go down.  I have found that just a little bit of prayer helps it go down even easier. 

A couple of weeks back, I was going to have a meeting with someone that I just don't usually enjoy spending time with.  I was dreading it and knew that I couldn't put if off any longer.  As I started into the garage to get into the car to leave, I stopped, closed my eyes, lifted my hand heavenward and quickly asked God to bless the meeting and to let me enjoy the time.  That was all.  Just a few short words and He answered in a huge way.  I enjoyed all the time at the meeting and I think we were both blessed by our time together.       Thank You Father.

I am amazed at how often I forget to stop and pray.  That is, after all, how I communicate with my Creator but sometimes I just don't.  Sure, I utter quick prayers of thanksgiving throughout the day but still I often forget that I don't have to handle every situation by myself.  At times, I could just smack myself on the forehead, not to say I could have had a V8, but to say I could have prayed and a situation would have probably turned out much differently. 

However it is done, whether a few quickly uttered words or a longer more intense communication, I know that my Father hears me and answers me and loves me for my trust in Him and for my turning to him for help in everything. 

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank You for being there for me to turn to in every need.  Thank You for showing me over and over that You hear me and for answering when I call.  The answer may not always be what I want but I know on some level that it is Your will and it is the answer I need at that time.
You are such a good and gracious God, the Creator of all things.  I love You, I honor You, I worship You.   And I thank You for being there for me.
In Jesus' loving name,

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