How can it just be two weeks since I was diagnosed with colon cancer? Impossible. I guess when you're dealing with something 24/7 time does slow down. And let me assure you, you do deal with cancer 24/7.
In all that time, I have never had a sleepless night. As a matter of fact, I've slept better than ever until last night. I woke around 1am and then again around 3am. I always pray before going to sleep. Actually prayer takes me into sleep. But last night was different. I was prompted to focus my prayers solely on those people with cancer that have been noted on these blogs over the past week and not on my own healing. So, one by one, I prayed for each one of them. It's so awesome when I know that I am truly connecting with the Holy Spirit. There's this little tingling; I think in the Bible it's sometimes referred to as a quickening. Whatever it's called, it is wonderfully comforting and there's a closeness so profound that I know my every word is being heard.
After that I slept well and for my Bible reading this morning I went straight to Job. He suffered terribly and for pages and pages and pages he and his friends debated what caused his condition, whose fault it was, what he should do. It seems to go on forever but in the midst of the poetry and debates come words so profound. "He is my Redeemer." And very simply after all the loss, all the discussion, all the debate, these two short sentences:
"After he had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before."
"The Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first."
What a great confirmation that is .... that the best is yet to come.
Thank you Mikki for your suggestion to consider postponing the surgery until after the reception. I was thinking along those lines and you just me gave the confidence to know it's the right thing to do. One less thing to stress over. So, I spoke with the surgical coordinator this morning and she said she didn't think it would be a problem. How simple a solution was that? I'm shipping paintings this morning to Rivers Edge Gallery in Kerrville, going to Body Designer for exercise, then back here to start on a new commission. I'm excited!
Please pray today for Joe Jemela from Gruene for complete remission from leukemia. He's fought it for many years and it's time to defeat it totally. Thank you Prayer Buddies for your continued prayers for these warriors fighting cancer.
And, most of all, thank You, God, for another great and glorious and healing day.
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