Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 9 Diagnosis Day 2

I probably don't need to tell you how nervous I was yesterday anticipating a 5pm meeting with Dr Manji.  He walked into the office and, as usual, was quite taken with my beautiful daughter.  As an aside, let me just say that if you're going to a really busy doctor, take a pretty young woman with you.  I assure you they'll have a much better memory of your previous visit than they would have otherwise and will hang around in the exam room a lot longer.  My anesthesiologist walked into my cubicle after the colonoscopy and first words out of his mouth were "You're beautiful."  I knew he wasn't talking to me as I lay there on my side, my mouth open and drooling, no makeup and my hair headed in all directions.  It was Melanie he was so taken with.  So, I'm just saying...........
Okay, back to the subject.  This visit was a lot different than the last.  He had good news.  PRAISE GOD.  Those words just leapt from my mouth.  The cancer is wholly contained in the colon which means it hasn't gone through the colon wall.  It has not spread to any other organs.   How blessed am I?!  Even Dr. Manji was so happy he got up and came over to give me a big hug.  When I thanked him, he said my thanks need to go to my new gynocologist, Dr. Brian Heaps, who insisted that I have a colonoscopy.  And I thank him too.  But we know where true gratitude goes.  I give my Lord and Saviour all the praise, honor and glory because without Him I am nothing. 
I just felt like I floated home.  Keeping a positive attitude is one thing, but it's impossible not to be aware of what the other possibilities are.  My precious brother also had this awful disease over 25 years ago and he died just a few short years after it was discovered.  He was only 50.  This is an ugly and terrible disease.  And, other than having a family link that can make one more vulnerable to it, the main cause of colon cancer is the choice we make every day in what we eat.  Anyone can get it. 
Next step is an appointment with a colorectal surgeon.  I'm ready to get this outta me!  The italics meant I just screamed that.
Tomorrow I will share some of the dietary changes I've made to help support my immune system and kick cancer's butt!

Today, please join me in holding up in prayer my dear friend Debbie William's dad, Tommy Shaver, as he fights lung cancer. 

Thank you God for a great and healthy day.


  1. So happy you got some good news! I will be praying for your full recovery ASAP!

    Love ya lots,


  2. Glad the news was good (better)today. You have been on my mind ever since I read Jamie's post on Facebook.
    Please add my step-son, Carlton to your prayer list - he has Nasopharyngeal cancer with metastasis to liver & lymph nodes. He went thru chemo and radiation for a year and now a year later is doing great but headed back to MD Anderson in Houston next week for a follow up exam - he always dreads the testing and gets very anxious waiting for the results. Please pray he gets good results.
    He too has placed everything in God's hands.
    I will keep you in my prayers and hope that your journey to the cure is short and certain.
    God Bless you along your journey. Sue (Hope) Werschky

  3. I am very much inspired by your blog. Thank you for sharing. God brought me to this site for a reason. My hubby just diagnosed with colon cancer. Praying that it didnot spread yet just like yours. God bless
