I debated whether to write this and then decided I should write it for every cancer patient everywhere. After all, this is my blog and my way of venting so here goes.
I loved going to Cowboy Church on Sunday. I was greeted with a hearty "How are you?" and a great big hug or a pat on the back or "You're looking really good" or "I'm so proud of you" or, best of all, "I love your blog." Cheerful, hopeful and friendly....exactly how I feel.
Then there are those elsewhere............. shudder. The ones who look at me with a sympathetic smile, a tilt of the head like they're getting ready to talk to a toddler and, in a voice that's usually saved for extending condolances to surviving relatives at a funeral, offer a "How are you doing?" that's spoken very slowly and just barely above baby talk.
First of all, cancer hasn't effected my hearing and it hasn't effected my ability to understand the spoken word. Secondly, I don't need your pity, just your understanding and your prayers. And, if every third person you meet either has had cancer, has cancer, or is going to have cancer, you'd better straighten up your head now or your neck is going to have a permanent crick! I am a strong, fierce, cancer fighting machine and if I go down from this damned disease, it's going to be kicking and screaming all the way. I will never be a victim. Okay, got that off my chest and I feel lots better. Whew! Thanks for letting me vent.
Surgery is scheduled for June 6th at 2pm. That's awesome. First of all, this way I make the wedding and the party. Yippee. Secondly, it's in the afternoon. That means no getting up at 4am to head to the hospital like when we had the transplant. Easier on everyone and especially me. Going to the cardiologist for surgical clearance this week and cat scan next week. I'm ready.
Today please hold up Ruth Faulkner in prayer. She is another flight attendant fighting a second round of lung cancer. Thank you God for giving Ruth the strength to beat this disease so profoundly it never shows its ugly face again.
And thank You, Father God, for another great and healing day.
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