Days 1 and 2 of infusion were a piece of cake. Day 3 and then Friday and Saturday were not. But no melt down, no crying and I made it through again. Between nausea and anxiety meds I slept through a good portion of it. Better living through drugs and Round 5 is done! Here I am wide awake and feeling better. Yesterday I took my pillow and blankie to daughter Mel's couch to watch the Texans with her and husband John. Precious grandson Logan stopped by so I caught up on my Logan hugs for a few days. The best!
Not sure if my body is adjusting to the joy juice or if it's because Dr. P backed off a little bit on strength because of bloodwork results this time. Either way, it was certainly a lot easier than it has been in the past. Praise God. Just really weak. Neuropathy still here and mouth sores starting so I'll get with washing my mouth with warm salt water.
A little change in weather in South Texas and funny how that little chill in the air early in the morning is like a harbinger of better things to come. I'm ready. I want so badly to get outside and dig in my yard. Between worrying about allergies and West Nile, I guess I'll keep myself inside.
During my flat on my back time, I found a video posted by a young woman in the ministry that was cured of breast cancer. She talked about praying the Word. Pastor RO often talks about personalizing scripture which I do and, for me, that is the clearest way of praying the Word. So I went to Psalm 91 and wrote it in my little journal where I record my favorite verses and changed "you" to "me" all the way through it. I've read through it several times and it speaks to me in a much more profound way than before. Try it. That is a truly powerful promise of protection.
My other reading this morning was for today in the book friend Cliffa sent me, Streams in the Desert.
"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me." Psalm 138:8
The devotional for today speaks of suffering. It says that no one has ever developed a deep level of spirituality without having experienced a great deal of suffering. It speaks of reaching a calm in the suffering. Very appropriate for today. Thank you, Cliffa.
Precious Father, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank You for this beautiful day and the hope it brings for more days like this and even better days to come. What an awesome universe You have created. Stepping outside, I just feel wrapped in Your love and my response has to be, "I love You too, Lord." Thank You, Father, thank You.
I am asking, Father, that the same feeling of loving protection and supernatural healing that I feel today be felt by everyone we have prayed for on this blog and for everyone fighting the same enemy that I am. Give us all a victory in this fight, Father, and let it be so profound that the word "cancer" is erased from the world's vocabulary.
I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, the one true Messiah.