Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 151 Another Praise Report

What an awesome God we serve.   Friend Frank met with the drs yesterday and they were astounded at the results from his first chemo treatment.  He's on schedule for Round 2 today so prayers please for even more astounding results with this round.   Thank You, Jesus.

Day 3 has usually been the worst for me.  Yesterday, I went in for disconnect from the pump with a smile on my face.  That is a first.  I've written before about staying ahead in the count with the antinausea meds and it made a huge difference.  I cannot tell you how difficult that has been for me in the past.  My history is to wait until it's time to go to the er before I resort to taking a medication of any sort.  I may be a slow learner but I eventually learn.  Same round today for Day 4 which usually comes in only a little easier than Day 3.  I fully expect Saturday to be a feel good active day and I'm excited.  As a matter of fact, I usually don't even blog on days 3 & 4 because I feel so poorly and here I am, up, awake, happy and typing away. 

I slept yesterday .............. a lot.  I ate healthy.  I even made a trip to the farmer's market the day before and cooked up a big batch of fresh out of the garden collard greens.  Greens are important in getting my blood platelets built back up.  Pretty tasty too.  I'll probably have some more today.  Just wish I had some cornbread but .............. no need.  I'll just add a baked sweet potato and that'll suffice.  That and dark meat turkey sausage for antiangiogenesis.  I'm doing good.  Thank You Father. 

Robin Roberts who has been such a great example through her journey with breast cancer is currently in the process of undergoing bone marrow transplant for another cancer that surfaced.  In the midst of all this, her beautiful Mom passed and that had to be a huge obstacle to see over.  Prayers for her today.

Art friend Betty who has had me on her church's prayer list and who prayed with me over the phone weeks back asked for prayers from you prayer buddies for her Mom.  You may remember the picture of her beautiful artist mother, Harriet,  who defeated colon cancer years and years ago.  Betty writes that Harriet is in pain, mostly in a wheel chair and starting treatment with a chiropracter in hopes of becoming more mobile. 

What a blessing it is to be able to give thanks, to pray for others and to honor our blessed Father by staying close to Him.  There is nothing too big for Him to accomplish. 

"......the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were."
Romans 4:17

Precious Father, Jehovah Rapha,
Father, this morning I bow before You, honoring You, blessing You and in huge gratitude to be able to serve You in whatever way I can.  I thank You, Father, for answered prayers.  I thank You, Father, for the honor of praying for others.  I thank You, Father, for the friends that come together with me daily to pray together for others.  Thank You Father, thank You.
May we always remember that You are faithful and will not allow us to be tempted to give up, because when we are tempted You also provide a way to stand up under it.
What a great and gracious God You are. 
Thank You for hearing our prayers for healing in Frank and Robin and Harriet today Lord.  Give them and everyone fighting this dreaded enemy long years of life in which to further serve you.
Thank You.
These things I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the name above all names.

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