Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 141 No Regrets

"This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

I was thinking this morning after reading in Regret, Rehearse, Rejoice, a precious book sent to me by friend Janice, how easy it would be to look back with all the "if only's" and second guess everything I've ever done to date that might have had a negative impact on my health.  How easy to let the "if only" maybe even shift blame from my actions to blaming others for this journey I ended up on.  If only I had taken better care of myself.  If only I had chosen a different doctor who would have been more diligent in ordering tests.  If only, if only, if only.

What a terrible waste of time that is.  Looking back only steals the joy from today.  I don't ignore where I am physically, but as I've written before, this diagnosis has taught me to truly focus on today.  Sometimes today is pretty awful but, by the grace of God, I'm always able to find something positive.   It just seems like something good happens to me every day.  How lucky am I?!   It's early and I'm expecting more but here's my tally for today already:

1.  I ate oatmeal for breakfast.  The last time I tried to eat oatmeal, I suffered a good part of the day and had placed in on my Never Eat This Again List.  That tells me that my colon is getting healthier.
2.  Opened emails this morning and had a funny one from friend Grace who never fails to make me laugh with her sharp wit.
3.  Opened another email and it was a confirmation on a large commission for a complimentary piece by a collector.
4.  My fridge is not cooling well and I think it's too old to spend money on to fix.  Precious daughter Melanie gave me her fairly new fridge since she won't be using it at her new house.
5. I have a little more energy this morning than yesterday and, so far, no nausea. 

How is that for getting this day off to an amazing start.   Thank You, God.  I love You too.

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
I am rejoicing in this day.  Thank You for the weather, for my friends and family, for my home and for this wonderful country that we all live in.
I am asking today in the name of Jesus Christ that everyone who is fighting the same enemy that I am be able to rejoice as well and look past their diagnosis and their pain to find the glory in the amazing world Your hands made. 
Please, Father, give us all the strength to persevere as you reward us with Your goodness every day that we're blessed to be here.
In Jesus name, the name above pain, the name above cancer, the name above all names.

1 comment:

  1. Good news - my stepson, Carlton Werschky, just finished his 4 month check up at MD Anderson - he is cancer free still (and feeling good) - now 18 months since finishing his chemo treatments - will go back for check up in January. Following your blog has helped me understand what he went thru during all those months of treatment. Thank you, Lord, and thank you and all your prayer warriors for continuing to pray for all those fighting cancer. Hang in there - you are an inspiration to so many. Will continue to pray for you and all others. Sue Hope Werschky
