This morning I was studying Dr. Sid Buzzell's overview of the time of the Jew's exile in Babylon and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. At the end of his talk, Dr. Buzzell said this:
But then there's always the story of the Ezras and the Nehemiahs and the Esthers and the Haggais and the Zechariahs and the Malachis who say, "It may appear that God has abandoned us, but we know better. And the way we handle our tragedies and our disappointments is we don't shake our fist in God's face, we come and embrace God. And by faith we get the strength that we need to handle those disappointments and those tragedies in our life."
I know I shouldn't be surprised but I am constantly amazed at how God always gives me the words that I need to hear just when I need most to hear them most. Those words come from so many different places and sometimes it takes a round about journey to find them, but they're always there. He always has a way to communicate directly with me. Some times its during prayer or through the words and writing of others, but He never lets me down.
Precious Father, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank You for always being there for me. Thank You for helping me to find the comfort in the words of others to calm my fears and strengthen my faith.
Let these words I am sharing today be the same comfort to others that they are to me.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the one true Messiah,
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