Two days ago I wrote about God speaking to me and telling me, "Slow down and just love me." Since then I've been putting it onto practice and I can't even begin to explain how calm I feel. My prayer times begin with just loving Him. Sometimes my prayer time is just loving Him and nothing more. No thanks, no requests, just love.
Funny that it took a word directly from God to settle me down. It's sort of like I was searching for something and not finding it, not really knowing that I was searching at all. My morning starts with prayer time for others, then coffee and reading the Bible, two daily devotionals and then inspirational reading and then prayers for me. Then when I turn on the computer, more daily devotionals. God didn't take that away from me, just calmed me down and relaxed me. I am enjoying the readings much more and receiving much more from them.
How awesome to be able to settle down, close my eyes and do or think nothing, just feel love reaching out from me and coming back to me at the same time. God is so good to have shared that word with me and I am so happy to share it with you. Try it and see if it doesn't make your day better.
Today is my first appointment with my gastroenterologist since diagnosis back in April of last year. We'll set a time for my next colonoscopy and talk about the elevated liver enzymes. I am believing that it is nothing more than chemo induced and since chemo hasn't totally left my body, I think once it does that my liver will return to normal. After all, I still have numb fingertips and my feet and legs are numb up to my knees. There is a medication to help with this but since there's no pain, I choose not to take any med. Every medicine has a negative side effect and I am going to let this just wear itself out.
I have stayed faithful with an antiangiogenesis diet and have been exercising regularly with the treadmill and yoga. That and lots of painting puts me in bed earlier than in the past and that's good because I'm up earlier to start my day with God.
Good news is that artist friend Hannah just was retested and is cancer free six months out. Sadie who is at St Jude's being treated for brain cancer is regaining movement in her hand which has been curled since surgery back in December. Praise God.
And remember, slow down and just love Him.
Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
I love You so much and thank You for loving me back. If there is a purpose for me here on earth it is to love You more. You are my creator, my father and my savior and I give You thanks for Your showing me how to love You.
Lord, today I thank You for continued healing for Sadie and Bethany and for my friends Lisa and Sharon and Frank. They all love You so much and praise Your name daily through this storm.
Thank You Lord for another day in which to feel Your love and share the wonder that You are with others.
In Jesus' precious name.
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