I went for my pet scan yesterday and it's quite a process. No food after midnight. Then they gave me glucose to excite any cancer cells. After that the radioactive dose for the picture was taken out of a long glass vial that was safely stored in foam in a lead lined case. Only one small dose per case. A 50 minute rest wrapped in warm blankets and then the 20 minute scan. I was warned not to go around children or pregnant women for the next six hours after the scan because of the radioactivity in my system. Wonder what they'll come up with next.
This was to find out if cancer has taken hold anywhere else in my system, most importantly my liver which has shown issues for the past several months. I told my daughter this morning that I feel like my recovery has reached a plateau and maybe it's the weight of waiting to see what the scan says. I did sort of freak out last weak over results of the blood test but I am settled down from that. Just anxious to meet with my oncologist tomorrow to hear good news.
My Bible study this morning was still focused on the exile of Jews to Babylon and their return and the restoration of Jerusalem. I've mentioned before how much I love my Women of Faith Study Bible. I do love it. It's written on, highlighted, underlined, smeared with coffee stains, has bits of papers with notes tucked inbetween pages here and there and it never fails to speak to me every time I open it. Thank You Father. I know that is You.
As I was reading this morning, there was a sidenote that had great meaning.
"In this identity deficient generation, God tells us who we are: Chosen priests who make up a holy nation of people who belong to God. You are His chosen child, His beloved, a priest(ess) with full access to the very throne of grace."
I know I am His beloved child and I am so grateful to have Him to turn to in all of this. He is my savior, my comfort in all things. It is only through His walk with me that I am able to endure, not just what I've been through, but whatever is to come.
Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
I am so grateful for Your words of comfort that You give me each day. I would be nowhere without Your guidance.
I thank You that I am one of Your blessed children. I thank You for giving me access to the throne of Grace.
You are my everything and I love You, I praise You and hope that I glorify You in everything that I do.
Thank You for another day on this glorious earth that You spoke into existence.
In Jesus precious name, the name above all names.
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