I guess you can tell from the heading that I received good news yesterday. I have felt like I had a cloud over me the last few months and yesterday I emerged from under it with God's glory on the other side.
At the halfway mark through chemo, the cancer markers in my blood went up instead of down and the enzymes in my liver started to go up. A petscan showed no new cancer but both indicators of trouble stayed up. At the end of chemo in December, cancer markers were down just a tiny bit but liver enzymes up even higher. Two months off from chemo and cancer markers were down but liver enzymes had shot up to three times where they should be. Both my oncologist and Dr. Manji thought I had chemo induced hepatitis. Sigh........
The results yesterday were unexpected and still expected. Dr. Manji said the ultrasound showed no abnormalities and my liver is functioning fine. Six vials of blood and ten blood tests later, no sign of hepatitis and, even though enzymes are still high, they are way down from two weeks ago. He is astounded by both the high enzymes and the lowered enzymes. He said the only thing he can think of is that it is from the chemo and it has taken longer than expected for it to clear my body and quit effecting me. Isn't it strange that after healing from surgery and cancer, I had to heal from chemo.
I see God's hand in this. I prayed for that healing and my family prayed and my church prayed and my friends prayed and unknown friends who follow this journey prayed and I had the elders of the church anoint me with oil and pray over me. In the meantime, I did my part taking the best care of my body that I could. God heard the prayers and blessed me with these good results and I am so incredibly grateful. I feel like my life has been on hold waiting for the results of yet another test and at this point I don't have to wait any more.
Of course, I'll repeat the tests in another month but I'm sure they'll show even better results and in May more tests for my oncologist but I know those will show still better results.
Thank you to everyone who prays with me and has prayed for me. Know that your prayers were heard and answered. And don't forget.....slow down and just love Him.
Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
You are indeed the God who heals. You knew my fears and you comforted me. You knew my disease and you erased it. You have given me a new life, one of greater love, greater faith and greater understanding. I bow before You in humble gratitude for all that You have done for me.
It is all You, Father. All You.
In the name of Jesus Christ, the living God.
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