I had an absolutely wonderful weekend with my family. Melanie and I packed lightly, were in plenty of time for trips so there was no rush, had a nice flight with good neighbors in the seats next to us and it was everything I had hoped for. Thank You Father.
At the airport yesterday, I went to the news stand to pick up something to read on the flight home. The cover of the latest Time Magazine is all about a cure for cancer. I started to pick it up and then decided not to. I've dealt enough with cancer and didn't want to end the trip thinking about it, even if it was a hopeful article. So, I picked up a gossip magazine and delved into the senseless lives of celebrities and wannabe celebrities. Totally enjoyable and valuable to nothing.
This morning I started to look for information on the Time article and ended up at the www.standup2cancer.org website. This organization was started by Katie Couric and some other "celebrities" with personal experiences with cancer. As you may or may not know, Katie's husband died with colon cancer back in the late 90's. Anyway, there is so much interesting information there. Referring to the Time article, I gathered that it is mostly about the uniting of huge groups of specialists to research together rather than individially looking for a cure. There is an article on SU2C of over 900 women being cured of breast cancer by the use of a new treatment that can target only the cancer cell without requiring debilitating chemo and damaging healthy cells. The number of colon cancer patients can be cut in half with timely exams. That and so much more. A cure is on the way.
God would never have created this most intricate of designs that our body is without including a way to correct whatever might go wrong with it. I know that in my heart as an absolute fact. Day by day, He is inspiring researchers and guiding them in the right direction to discover the solutions that will defeat this hated enemy forever. What an exciting time we are living as the cure to killing cancer totally is just beyond the horizon.
Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
You are the God who heals and I know that right now you are showing the way to healing cancer with new medical discoveries every day. I ask Your blessings today on each of those researchers as they open their minds to Your inspiration. Father, I thank You for the supernatural healings that are happening every day as we open our own minds to the healing Spirit that You have place within each of us. Teach us better how to access that healing through faith and belief in what You can do and what You have enabled us to do.
No matter which way our healing comes, Lord, I just thank You for showing us the way to it. You are the God who heals.
I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the one true Messiah.
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