Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 338 Self Control

I wrote earlier this month about self discipline.  Today I need to write about self control.  Is there a difference?  Maybe only in my own mind but I think there is.  For me, this morning while I write, self discipline has more to do with forming a habit of what to do and what not to do.  Self control is the ability to over come that instant urge or desire to do something that I know I shouldn't.  Like yesterday.  Sigh.................

I confess and have asked the Lord and my body for forgiveness.  Last night after a nutritious and delicious dinner, I was seized by a desire for some candy.  I walked and paced and tried to talk myself out of it.  No, I didn't turn to God but instead gave in, drove to the little store by my house, bought two bags of candy, came home and ate both of them.  I know, people will say it's okay to indulge once in a while.  Here's the thing.  I know that an abundance of sugar and chemicals and dyes in my diet causes inflamation in the body.  I know it is not good for my kidney, liver or pancreas.  I know that I will not feel well after I eat it and that I will be draggy the next day from it and yet, I still did it. 

"Be self controlled."         1 Peter 5:8

"Do not merely listen to the Word......Do what it says."          James 1:22

When I sat down at my desk this morning to study, for some reason my Bible was laying open to James.  It's a short letter written by Jesus' half brother.  Then I read 1 Peter which follows it.  These two verses really hit home.  God's Word tells me to be self controlled and, not to just read about being self controlled, but to be it, to do it.  My health and my life are in my hands to care for as best I can.  I can read about it all day and I can write about it all day, but if I don't do it, what good is the reading and the writing?

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
Please forgive me for lack of self control yesterday that could be so unhealthy for my body.  You have answered my prayers in healing me from cancer and are in the process of healing my liver and yet I show so little gratitude that I give in to urges for foods that I know are full of  sugar and chemicals and are not good for me.
Thank You Lord for showing me the way.  Thank You for opening the Word to just the pages and scriptures that I needed to see this morning to remind me that self control is something I should strive for and, with Your help, something I can achieve.   Keep Your hand on my shoulder today Father as I go through the day, honoring You with my right actions and decisions.
In Jesus' precious name.

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