Yesterday I stopped by the library to pick up some cd's I had asked for. A pretty hispanic woman checked me out and said to me, "I've been waiting for you to come in. I want you to know that I pray for you every day." I don't know her and don't remember discussing having cancer with her in the past but I must have. Maybe I stopped in one time when I was hooked up to the chemo pump and we talked about it then. I just don't remember. Earlier this week I received an email from an artist friend of mine that I haven't seen in probably five years. She said that she wants me to know that she prays for me and for Melanie every day and that we are at the top of her prayer list.
What an incredible feeling it is to know that people that are not family or even close friends speak to God about me daily. Wow! It's like they're prayer angels, looking out for me. I can't even begin to express how that feels. Why me? I guess they think that I am worthy of their time and I am so honored by that. I think God has a special place in His heart for people that pray for others.
In the book of Job, the story is told of how Job lost his family, his wealth, and even his health. He debated with his friends endlessly trying to understand the reason for all the devastating things that had happened to him. At the end, the scripture says:
"And after Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." Job 42:9-11
I am asking you to join me today in praying for some special people that are in need of healing and I hope you will put them on your list to pray for every day. First of all, Wendy a mother to two young boys has defeated breast cancer and is now fighting another battle with cancer. On top of that, both sons have developed brain tumors that are at this point inoperable. How devastating that must be. Another "Jo" in my church is scheduled for tests on Tuesday. Jo was healed from lung cancer twice and there are signs that it may be back. We are believing that those scans will show no new cancer activity in her body.
Father God, Jehovah Rapha,
You said in Exodus that You are the God who heals. We stand on Your word and ask special healing today for four people. Father, we ask that You erase all signs of cancer from Wendy's body. She's a young Mom and her children need her so that they can grow up knowing You and the promise loving and honoring You holds for them. We ask, Lord, that you shrink and erase all evidence of tumors in her young sons, Wyatt and Justin. Let them grow in You and become a shining example of Your love and mercy.
Lord, we ask that Your healing hands stay on Jo as she prepares for more tests. She is 80 years old and has fought the enemy alongside You and twice defeated it. We ask that You continue to be with her, providing comfort and reassurance until the tests prove that she does not have to deal with cancer again in her lifetime.
Father, I ask special blessings on every person that reads this page and prays with me for these special people as they go up against the enemy, cancer. If there is any need in the life of those praying, please minister to them and "restore their fortunes."
These things I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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