Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 341 Resurrection

I think that everyone that has been healed of cancer feels in a way that they have been resurrected, that their old life is over and gone and a new life is beginning.  I know that my new life is firmly entrenched in the love and mercy and teachings of God. took cancer to get me to this point?!   A confession that, yes, it did.  BC - before cancer - I loved the Lord and I would study his word for a period of time and then slack off.  I started books and courses on the Bible and the life of Jesus and never finished them.  All that has changed now.

I am so blessed and so grateful for this second chance to prove to God just how much I love Him and how He is truly the center of my life.  There is so much to learn and so much to share and so much to do.  In Proverbs it is promised that if I keep His commandments, length of days and long life will be mine.  I need every bit of that to do all I want. 

This weekend we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  I guess in a way we celebrate His death as well because without it there would be no resurrection.  I don't celebrate cancer but  it brought about my own resurrection ,the change in my life that I was wanting but would probably never have happened without this dramatic event.

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
I thank You for the miracle that Your son, Jesus Christ, was.  I thank You for the sacrifice that was made for me.  If I am surprised that people pray for me, how much more surprised am I that He would die for me.  I remind myself today that I am a child of the Most High, a beloved heir to the seed of Abraham and that even though the debt was paid for my sins, I owe an even bigger debt to the One who paid that debt on my behalf. 
Let us all remember, not just this weekend, but every day for the rest of our time here on earth how much we love You and how much we are loved in return.
We love You, Lord.  We love You.
I pray in the name of the one true Messiah, Jesus Christ.

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