Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 405 Study, It's Good for the Soul!

Over the past few years I have spent time reading the Bible.  But time spent reading the Bible is not necessarily the same as time spent studying the Bible.  After being diagnosed with cancer last year and having more down time when I didn't feel like painting or doing much of anything, I spent more time studying.   Joel Osteen opens his services with an affirmation that includes, "My mind is open....."  That is what study of the Bible is about.  It requires an open mind to see much more than simply what is written there, special insights that speak to us in a way they might not to others.  I believe God allows us to see what we need to see at any given time, even if it is contrary to common interpretations.

My morning study time, which I love, has lately been focused on Mark.   Mark wasn't one of the Twelve but his writing was one of the first written after the death and ascension of Jesus and it is thought that, since he traveled with Paul and Barnabas, it was written mostly from Paul's perspective.  Whether he was an eye witness or not, the words are just as powerful.

In the first chapter, Mark writes:

"...Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.  'The time has come,' He said.  'The kingdom of God is near.  Repent and believe the good news!'"   Mark 1:14,15

In reading this passage before, in my mind's eye, I saw the people downcast with heads hanging low, shoulders bent with the weight of guilt as they repented and that Jesus was warning of judgement day.   Beware.  That was a total reflection of my first encounter with the Bible and Jesus through "fire and brimstone" preachers.  In studying this morning, my mind was open and I received an entirely different view of this passage.  First, I think that Jesus was saying that the time has come to open our eyes and realize that the kingdom of God is near, is close at hand, is ours if we just want and ask for it.  It isn't some far off seemingly unattainable state of being.  He was sharing the good news that anyone can be a part of the kingdom of God.  All they have to do is repent.  Repent simply means to change one's ways.  I now see joyful people with their heads held high, rejoicing in the knowledge that they are leaving the old ways behind and coming into the glory of being one of God's children.

The key to all of this, I believe, is to want it.  How do we begin to want it?  For me, it was when God placed a Christian woman in my path.  No matter what she was going through and she was going through a lot, she was calm and always secure in her beliefs.  First I wondered about her and then I began to admire her and then I wanted to be like her.  That led me to truly want to know more.   I wanted to know more than just the Sunday School and superficial messages about Jesus.  I wanted to really know Him and I wanted to know more  about the kingdom of God and I wanted to know more about me.  I can only hope that God will use me as He used that woman and that maybe I can inspire some other person to want what I have in the Lord.  Because it's really wonderful and it's really easy.  All you have to do is ask.

Precious Lord, Jehovah Rapha,
First of all, I thank You for this gorgeous day here on the beautiful earth that You breathed into existence.  What a privilege to live in a nation where I can freely worship You and freely write of Your greatness.
I thank You today for all the people that You have placed in my life as shining examples of what I can strive to be as one of Your blessed children.
Lord, today I ask special healing blessings for our friend Frank.  We prayed with Frank through a bout with lung cancer that has been defeated.  The doctors are now turning to a mass on his kidney.   I just ask that You continue his healing so that the mass can be defeated as well.  We are believing for Your loving mercy as he meets with his doctors this week to go over test results.
Thank You for being the loving Father that You are.  Thank You for being there for us, to calm and guide and reassure us through whatever trials we have to go through here on this earth. 
I ask continued blessings and mercy for friend Lisa as the doctors prepare her body for reimplanting the stem cells that have been harvested to rid her body of multiple myeloma.  Let these two children of Yours be triumphant examples of Your healing grace.
In Jesus' precious name, the name above all names.

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