Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 210 Thank You Lord

Well, I'm over my pity party and feeling somewhat better.  Nausea has stayed around but I've been able to manage without meds since Saturday.  I was up part of the day Saturday and cleaned my bathroom and bedroom and, yes, it took most of the day.  Not that it was that dirty............well, maybe it was.  Then it took all day with many laydown rests inbetween for me to get the living area and kitchen done yesterday.  My house is sparkly now and it feels good.

I'm excited about Thanksgiving.  My bestie, Darlene, is coming out to spend the day with me and the family.  My only task is to cook the turkey which is usually a snap.  Or at least it was until my precious little girl got a TWENTY POUND TURKEY!!  Oh my gosh,  I don't have the strength to lift that right now.  I guess it'll be okay because my grandson will have to come put it in the oven for me and come back to take it out.  What a treat that's gonna be.  Any excuse to get his handsome face over here for a visit. 

Two art sales this week so I'll be packing and shipping.  Then family and football all day Thursday.  I am more excited for the holiday season than I've been in years.  Sort of like my birthday.  Not just another Thanksgiving.  It's THANKSGIVING.  And not to forget that giving thanks is the most important part of it.

Precious Father, Jehovah Rapha,
Thank You for another beautiful day.  Thank You for the freedom to live and worship in a country that was built on Your principles.  Thank You for my family and for my church.  Thank You for my art that gives me independence and the ability to share with others.  Thank You for Your healing mercies that You shower daily on each cancer warrior out there fighting this dreaded enemy.  Thank You for loving, blessing and protecting each of us.
I ask special healing mercies Father for my childhood friend Judy who is undergoing surgery today.  Bless her with skilled surgeons and a quick recovery.
These things I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the one true Messiah.

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