Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 73 Countdown to this Being Over Has Begun

Bloodwork on Monday and first chemo on Tuesday.  Yay!  I'm so ready to get on with this program, I can't even describe it.  Only about 10 weeks since diagnosis and I feel like I've been living with this forever.   But I've made huge steps in those ten weeks and I'm so grateful.  God is good and totally in control. 

I met with Dr. Mahmood, my cancer surgeon, yesterday.  Good checkup and he's very pleased with his handiwork.  I don't have to go back for another month.  Then I met today with Dr. Qurashi, the oncologist.  My first chemo treatment is set for next Tuesday and then every two weeks for six months.  We talked a little more about side effects.  He said my hair may thin but I probably won't lose it with this chemo.  I've got a cute picture of that trying to do a combover with a few strands of gray hair.   The main side effect is going to be neuropathy or extreme sensitivity in the nerve endings of my fingers and feet.  He said I will absolutely need to use something like oven mitts to reach into the refrigerator.  Anything I touch or drink will have to be warmed.  I already don't like to be cold so this should magnify that.   Poor Chipper isn't too crazy about being warm so we may have to both go get our summer haircuts together.  His to be cooler and mine not to have to look at thinning hair.  Oh well, all worth it in the name of healing. 

I slept better with the port last night.  I even managed to sleep on my side for a while so that is probably going to be a non issue in a few more days.  So glad about that.  I am uncomfortable right now doing very much with my right hand and I stopped at the art supply store to pick up a disposable paper pallet so I don't have to work with cleaning dried paint off my glass one.  I'll just put that back to bring out later when this is all done and over with.  Dr. Qurashi said the neuropathy will effect hand writing and he isn't sure how it'll be with painting.  I don't think it'll be an issue but, if it is, I'm sure there's a way around it.  I'll just have to see when the time comes.

As for now, time for a healing nap and then I'll have to see where my energy level is for the afternoon's work. 

Precious Lord,
Thank You so much for the progress I'm making every day fighting this horrible enemy that is trying to take every thing from me.  I am so grateful that You have me in the palm of Your hand and that You are in control of my healing. 
I ask Your grace and favor on all the other warriors out there fighting this same enemy today.  Give us all victory in Jesus' precious name.

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