Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 317 Zephaniah? What's that?

One of the devotionals I read in the morning had a verse from Zephaniah.  I really didn't even remember that Zephaniah was a book in the Old Testament.  Shows how much I don't know about the Bible.  Anyway, it's a short book and I thought I should probably read it.

Zephaniah was a prophet who preached the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians.  As I read through, as with many of the prophet books, there was a lot of pain and suffering but always redemption by the Lord. 

"....He has turned back your enemy."  Zephaniah 3:15.

I know who and what my enemy is. 

"The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,  He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over You with singing."   Zephaniah 3:17

Even in the remotest and least read parts of the Bible are promises of God's love, protection and healing.  I am happy to report that my spirit is settled about last week's tests and the reports to come.  I know that I serve an awesome God, a living and loving God who knows every hair on my head and who has great plans for me.   This morning I feel excited to see what He has planned next for me.  I know that His plans are for good.   As I study and grow in His word, I remember His word to me ...... to slow down and just love Him.   And, I do.

PreciousLord, Jehova Rapha,
I love You.  You have given me a life that is filled with daily wonders and new discoveries of Your loving kindness and I am grateful.  I bow down before You in gratitude for another day here on this beautiful earth where the breezes blow and the Son shines.
I ask Your healing mercies today on everyone fighting the enemy, cancer.   It seems like there are more and more people every day involved in this battle.  Thank You for showing us how to better care for our body as we prepare to keep the enemy at bay. 
Thank You, Father, for all You do for us every day. 
In blessed humility, we bow down before You.
In Jesus' name we pray.

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