Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 38 Ignorance Is Bliss?

I'm not sure that's the correct saying but it's the way I always heard it growing up and what it means to me is that sometimes it's just better not to know too much.  Yesterday I mentioned Dr. William Li and his study of angiogenesis which is basically the theory that there are rogue (my word for them) blood vessels that feed cancer cells allowing them to thrive and grow.  As I read more about this theory, I remembered that after I finally heard back from the surgeon on the cat scan, he said there was a spot on my liver that turned out to be a cluster of blood vessels.  If I had an organ I would play that scary music that preceeds someone losing their head in a slasher movie.  Yikes.

So, now I have something else to wonder about.  My brother died after colon cancer spread to his liver and lungs.  Well crap!  So, are those vessels on my liver feeding a cancer cell that isn't large enough yet to be detected on a pet or cat scan?  Am I going to panic now every time I feel a twinge in my body?  Feel like I need to run to a doctor for test after test just to be there isn't a new cancer somewhere else?  That's not how I want to live my life. 

Okay, back to Psalm 91.  No Fear!  God and I have this.  He's in my corner, on my side, and His mercy is every where evident.  I am a strong, fierce, cancer fighting child of the Most High and I am so grateful.  God is good.........all the time. 

Back to Dr. Li.  I found an interactive website that he sponsors at .  Lots more information there about what foods his studies reveal are the strongest cancer fighters or rather the strongest killers of those rogue blood vessels.   I'll quote him again.  "What we eat is chemo therapy everyday."  Another quick trip to Whole Foods yesterday and my fridge is stocked.  I'm not sure what for.  I only have today and tomorrow to eat normally, then Monday is liquid diet and Tuesday is cleanse (yikes!!!!) before surgery on Wednesday.   Oh well, Darlene will be here today and tomorrow and she can help me with it.   This afternoon I'm going to make a swiss chard/sweet potato saute.  Saute onion, red or orange pepper and some sliced mushrooms in a tiny bit of olive oil.  Then clean and slice the chard and add with a little water, salt and pepper.  I often add a few chicken boullion granules instead of the salt.  Wash and peel a sweet potato and cut up into little cubes.  Add to greens with a tiny bit of water, cover and simmer until the greens and sweet potato are tender.  Then I add a small splash of balsamic vinegar and a tiny squeeze of honey.  Yumm.

I just found out that I had 33 messages on Facebook extending back over a month for goodness sake.  So now I know what that little icon at the top with the number 33 was.  One of the messages was from a friend that I haven't seen in quite a few years.  Shortly before I gave Melanie a kidney, she gave her husband a kidney.  She heard of my diagnosis and wanted to let me know that since the transplant her husband had colon cancer, several rounds of chemo and was doing fine.  It's just everywhere and so pervasive.

Father God,
Today I am asking special blessings on Pete and his wife, Barbie.  He has been through so much needing a kidney transplant and then having to deal with colon cancer.   I know the Bible says that You are no respector of persons and love us all equally.  I see now that the enemy is no respector of persons either.  He can attack anyone at any time.  Father, I am asking that Pete's healing is so profound that cancer will never invade his body again.  Bless Barbie for being the spouse that You intended, giving everything she could to get her husband back to good health. 
In Jesus' precious name,

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