Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 21 Happy Mother's Day

Everyone has benchmark days throughout their lives.  You know, those days that when they roll around every year you rejoice and think back to what made it so special.  One of the most important for most of us was the day our child was born.  My daughter, Melanie, was an amazing gift and I certainly celebrate her birth date.  I was young and not prepared to be a mother but, in spite of all my mistakes, she turned into the most beautiful and special woman I know.  How was I so lucky to be her mother? 

In 2006, God in His infinite wisdom, created a situation so that I was temporarily living in Melanie's house and was there that Saturday morning to receive the call from her nephrologist that the lab tests done the day before showed that Melanie's kidney function had drastically dropped and her potassium was at a fatal level and to get her immediately to an emergency room.  Melanie was at a dirt bike track with her son and might not have received the message until it was too late.  From there it was like a whirlwind.  Hospital, veins too small for dialysis, doctors making an exception and getting us to intake at the transplant clinic at Herman on days when we shouldn't have been accepted, setting a date for transplant before even knowing if we were a match.  Then on February 21, 2006, I became one of the luckiest mothers in the world when I was able to be a huge part of my daughter's healing.  That was another benchmark day and a profound one, maybe THE benchmark day of my life.

I'm wondering now if April 23rd will become a benchmark day for me and if everything that happens to me from April 23rd on will be known as "the first Mother's Day after being diagnosed with cancer"?  Or will it be "that first Thanksgiving after........"?
"That first Christmas after......?"   No, I don't accept that.  Six years later Melanie functions perfectly with her new kidney.  I function perfectly with one kidney.  Now I'll function perfectly with a little less colon than I started out with.   The day I choose to celebrate and allow to become a benchmark day is the day the doctors tell me that I am cancer free.  And it's coming.  Sooner rather than later.  Pastor RO says that with God, it's like a checker game.  I move, then He moves.  I am moving.  I'm doing my part.  And, in the name of Jesus Christ, I AM healed. 

Thank You Father God for healing me and for healing all those other cancer victors out there.  Thank you for helping us to defeat this ugliest of enemies.  And thank You for another glorious, great and healing day. 
In Jesus' name

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