Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 36 Share the News

If you are ever faced with a diagnosis like mine, my advice to you is to share the news.  I first shared with my church family and I was covered with love.  Then I shared with my Facebook friends and the feedback was immediate and so reassuring.  Lastly, through my art newsletter, I shared the news with my art family.  I am still receiving emails of support daily from collectors who have become friends over the years.   A new collector who has been waiting about three years to purchase one of my paintings sent me this verse this morning.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ."
Phillipians 4:6,7

Well that just put a lump in my throat and brought tears to my eyes.  How do people do this without God?  I just can't imagine how it would be without the knowledge that my Lord is with me every step of the way.  I would just feel vulnerable, unprotected and uncared for. I am so grateful to have Him and so filled with love for Him.  It carries me through minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.  I go to sleep wrapped in His love and wake wrapped in His love.  All day long there are little happenings that remind me that He's still there.  How lucky am I?  I know I'm not the exception.  I'm just fortunate enough to have learned to see His hand in everything good that happens. 

Painting and baking today.  What could be better than that?  I'm going to try my first UPS pickup for some paintings for the Austin gallery.  This way I won't have to worry about driving to shipping location. 

Not sure what I'm going to eat today.  It's about time for my fo/cc smoothie.  Then I think for lunch I'll have a baked red potato topped with sauteed onion, bell pepper, mushrooms and tomato.  Probably a little leftover pico and avocado from last night along with it.  For tonight, a large spinach salad with carrots, celery, orange pepper and I may treat myself to a boiled egg to go in it.  Then I'll top it with my nut/seed/cranberry mix and a touch of vinaigrette. 
Mel gave me a gift card to Whole Foods for Mother's Day and I bought some of the most delicious dark purple table grapes that's I'll have for a bedtime snack.  That and maybe a couple of the chips with some almond butter on them. 

Six days until surgery.

Precious Lord, I am so grateful for all of Your blessing.  I thank You for the amazing art family you have honored me with, for their loving support and prayers.  Please forgive my occasional whining and remind me how fortunate I am to have the best of care, physicians and surgeons whose hands you will guide.  I glorify you in every step of this journey.  Most of all, Lord, today please bless all those others out there waging war against this enemy that is working so hard to defeat them.  Give them your strength and your healing to be the victors.
These things I pray in the name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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